Donald Trump: A Fish Out of Water

Oh, he's not "presidential". He's "mean". And my personal favorite is when they say that he has emboldened "hate groups" to commit more acts of violence against non-White citizens. I think the real reason President Trump looks out of place in Washington D.C. is because for the most part he is nothing like most of the rest of them.

While in order to do what he has done in his real estate investing and developing requires you to be one amazing salesman, President Trump is not a politician. He's not someone that was planted in Washington through the contributions of wealthy special interests. He isn't some packaged, polished and prepared product like President Obama and George W. Bush were. He won the presidency by and ONLY because of the will of the American people, specifically the Republican voter.

Americans were clearly tired of the Obama Administration with all of the identity politics and pandering to hateful and divisive groups like Black Lives Matter. How many of us rolled our eyes when President Obama said "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"? I know I sure did. Such shameless pandering. And not only that, Hillary Clinton couldn't have lacked more credibility if she tried. She's filthy stinking rich, and thinks she can relate to then working man and woman in America. She doesn't like border walls, yet her home in Chappaqua is locked up like a fortress. She "believes all women", just not the women who accused her husband of sexual assault and harassment. Yes, we were very tired of the Democrats after eight years of Obama.

We were so tired of them, that President Trump was a breath of fresh air. He talked in direct, simple and brutally honest language. He called bullshit on bullshit when it came to America's trade deals with other countries. He was honest about the threat posed by illegal immigration. And people wanted to hear what he had to say. Off the prompter he spoke. And he mopped the floor with the other candidates in all of the Republican debates. He's truly unique. I can't believe that in my lifetime I was able to see a non-politician become the President of the United States.

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