
Showing posts from March, 2019

Conservatives are biased and liberals are open-minded and inclusive?

Being conservative isn’t about being biased towards anyone at all. Being a conservative is about giving everyone an equal opportunity. What liberals hate is that being conservative isn’t about taking blame or making excuses for unequal outcomes. Liberals are the ones who make assumptions about people based on immutable characteristic. This is evident by the way they are CONSTANTLY injecting race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity and even age into the conversation. They are relentless in their efforts to give special rights and afford special treatment and recognition to people based on things that can’t be changed. They push for scholarships and quotas for people they feel are “underrepresented” in educational institutions and employment. They even believe in lowering standards for everyone other than men of European ancestry.   It’s liberals who make assumptions and play into stereotypes. Liberals are enraged when they learn that a person of color is a member of t

Is it really socialism?

You hear about Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talking about “democratic socialism” and how it’s working in countries like Sweden. Well, they’re wrong. First and foremost you have to understand that Sweden isn’t a socialist country. Sweden’s government doesn’t own the means of productions. Sweden’s government doesn’t manufacture cars or own other industries. Yes, Sweden does have very high taxes on income earners and spends a lot on social services. But that isn’t socialism. Call it theft, call it altruism in its finest form. Call it what you like, but it isn’t socialism. In a real socialist country the means of producing goods and services is all owned and controlled by the government. Cuba is probably the best example I can think of where the government tries to make everyone equal. The unintended outcome of this is that it only succeeds in making everyone in Cuba equally poor (unless you are Raul Castro with an estimated net worth of over $100,000,000.00)

The rich don't pay their taxes?

Remember back in 1991-1992 when Bill Clinton was running for President of the United States and claimed in the 1980s the rich in America didn't pay their "fair share"? I wonder why then President Bush didn't correct the record. The top 1% of income earners in America pay around 38% of the total income tax bill. The top 10% of income earners in America pay nearly 60% of the income tax bill. And guess how much of the federal income tax bill is paid for by the bottom 50% of income earners? Yep! Less than 3%. So, is the claim that the rich skip out on their taxes and the middle class gets stuck supporting this country really true? I hardly think so. 

Healthcare is a right.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders says that healthcare is a right. Think about that for a minute? Think about what a right is. The First Amendment says that you have a right to free speech and to print your ideas and distribute them. It also says that you have the right to practice your religion. It doesn't however say anywhere in it that the government has to provide you with a platform to speak, it doesn't say that people have to listen to you and it certainly doesn't mean that the government has to build you a house of worship. The rights in the constitution are restrictions on government. They are not concessions made to the people by the government. Nobody is required to be a doctor in the United States. They literally could all quit tomorrow morning. What would we do then? Would Bernie then demand that those who are licensed to practice medicine be conscripted into involuntary service like the military draft of yesteryear? No Bernie, healthcare is a for-profit ind