Trump's Black Girlfriend

The media I feel has deliberately ignored one thing about our racist President: he used to date a black girl.

According to an article written by Newsone's Nigel Roberts, Kara Young who is African America dated Donald Trump back in the 1990s for two years. Kara Young said that she is surprised that Donald Trump is branded with such an inflammatory label. She asserts that in the two years they were together, she never heard Donald Trump say anything disparaging towards any race of people.

Two years is a long time to date someone. And it is certainly long enough for someone who apparently has such deep-rooted hate for non-Whites to relax, let his or her guard down and have a slip of the tongue. We all say things behind closed doors and in the presence of people we know and trust that we wouldn't want made public. I know I do. Yet, over a two year period, this black woman who dated an alleged closet member of the Aryan Nations doesn't feel like her former beau bears any animus towards people different than him. Even Kara Young admits that it is easier to be with your own kind.

In fairness, Ms. Young also alleged in her interview that Donald Trump "knew little about other cultures and leaned towards stereotypes" Well, let's take Don out back, put him in a burlap bag and beat him with a claw hammer for that one. Are white people the only ones who need to learn about other cultures? Would you tell Chinese people that they need to know more about Nigerian immigrants to Ireland and how they're trying to adapt to Irish culture?

The truth is that the loudest voices about racism in America are coming from the most racist people. And in 2020 America, those voices are coming from Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and Leftists.


  1. Your wife is a whore

    1. You're that weak you have to make a comment like that?

    2. still waiting for your contact information.

  2. Hope the coronavirus infects you and your entire family you stupid Irish mick

  3. so you the guy who refused to believe crimes of the nazi Josef Mengele but you're willing to believe in something stupid like God ������ btw English isn't gods language stupid ass, he's not real

  4. Hey mind if we discuss this topic over the my phone number (870) 427-2819 I would like to give my thoughts and hopefully it'll change your political point of view

    1. Are you the one who posted the other comments?


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